January 6

Mini Football Tacos Appetizers #OEPBigGame


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Brought to you by Old El Paso and Wal-Mart, all opinions are my own
minifootballsMy family doesn't need Taco Tuesday, they'll take tacos anytime. It is by far their favorite meal. They are so easy and portable so when we go to jiu-jitsu we take them with us. A favorite of ours is theĀ Bold Ranch Stand and Stuff Shells.

They remind me of ranch chips and the girls go crazy. I love the fact that they stand up. We like to add turkey meat, greens from our garden, salsa, and avocados from Mexico. You can stuff them with anything you want!


We're thinking of fun ideas for the Big Game. Football was always a big deal growing up. We watched both college and professional so it felt like football was always on. I always make a point to watch the BIG GAME and think of my dad when I do. It is a fun celebration on so many levels.Ā 

We decided that this year for the big game we were going to add tacos to the mix at my twelve year old's request and my ten year old said YES! She is tired of pizza. So we're making a few different things, mostly appetizers so we can pick all day.

I'm making a few dips with chips, meatballs, and these adorable mini taco footballs. I got everything I needed at Wal-mart, they always have low prices. These appetizers were a huge hit when I made them for this post. I snapped the pictures turned around and they were gone. They are incredibly simple to make and very cute.


What you need –

Package mini flour tacos

Package ground turkey (or other ground meat)

Taco seasoning (we don't use because of hubby)

Shredded Cheese


Sour Cream

Plastic baggie

What you do

Cook up the meat, drain (if you need to), and put into the bottom of the mini tacos. Add salsa and shredded cheese. Put in the oven until the cheese is melted. I let them sit for a minute then put some sour cream in a baggie and cut a slit in the bottom so I could ‘write' with it. Then I drew the laces on the taco to make it look like a football.Ā 

They came out very cute!


What are you doing to get ready for the Big Game?


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