September 16

MS Madness Book Review and Blast


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MSmadnessbannermscover-halfYvonne deSousa’s diagnosis of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis came with an insightful declaration from a new doctor (“MS Sucks”) and a brother’s helpful advice (“You could totally get one of those handicapped parking plates now”).

What followed was a year of MS-adventures: “accidentally” kicking an officious male doctor in the crotch, becoming an undercover agent to pay for medication made from Chinese hamster ovary cells, discovering the amazing effects of legal speed, and battling her arch-nemesis, the dreaded food group-vegetables.

Throughout her MS journey, Yvonne learned how to use humor to find acceptance in her diagnosis and how to smile in the face of chronic illness. Life with multiple sclerosis can be daunting, but Yvonne shares her giggles at the bizarre world she has unwittingly entered and the new perspectives it has given her on life. MS Madness! makes us realize that with a sense of humor, we can survive anything.

“MS Madness! A ‘Giggle More, Cry Less’ Story of Multiple Sclerosis combines defiance with humor, the secret weapon of the sick. Laughter has carried me a greater distance than conventional medicine ever will. In the end, attitude drives well being.”
-Richard M. Cohen, NY Times best-selling author of Blindsided and Strong at the Broken Places

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Put MS Madness on your TBR pile 

Review – I received an ebook for my honest review, no other compensation was received.

My mother had MS, my grandmother had MS, and I have two cousins with it as well. My half-brother (from another mother) had been diagnosed with it as well for years until I was about halfway through this book and his new neurologist said no it wasn't. YAY for him! With so many people I have loved having this disease I really wanted to read this book. It's always in the back of my mind – will I get it next? Maybe, it's a very real possibility.

MS Madness was a funny and inspirational look at a woman's journey as she gets diagnosed and has to deal with this disease. This author is a very courageous woman. I highly recommend this book to anyone that has a loved one with MS or if you have MS yourself.

There was an F* bomb but hey, I think she has every right to be angry. If this language bothers you just skim over it because the book itself is worth the read.



Author Bio

yvonneYvonne deSousa has worked as a street sweeper, a shell seller, a babysitter, a candy peddler, and a guest house manager, all before the age of sixteen. Later on she worked as a waitress, sales clerk, library assistant, victim’s advocate, and at the front desk of a doctor’s

Two years before Yvonne’s diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, a relative volunteered her to write an article for a local newspaper. Little did she know it was the beginning of a writing career. When MS threatened to turn her into a lunatic, she started writing more frequently and quickly discovered that writing about the insanity that is MS was helping to keep her sane.

Her work has appeared on, and in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Finding My Faith and Something On Our Minds, Volumes 1 and 2. Yvonne also writes a weekly blog on the website that uses a giggle stick to beat up on MS. Since finishing MS Madness! A “Giggle More, Cry Less” Story of Multiple Sclerosis, she has started presenting programs designed to help others use humor to help cope with chronic illness.

Yvonne enjoys writing, laughing, and resting. She lives by her personal mottos, “how you deal affects how you feel” and “my MS is not your MS and your MS is weird!”

Contact her at

Find her on Twitter | Facebook | Literary Addicts | Goodreads

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