December 12

Neater Feeder Review and Sweeps


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The award winning Neater Feeder is a must-have for any dog or cat owner.  We have three dogs and the floor is always wet and a mess.  I was so excited to receive my Neater Feeder large dog feeding system.  The patented bowl system come in small, medium and large for dogs and there is a cat option as well.  The large feeder was perfect for our 65lb Airedale.   The Neater feeder kept the floor area clean and the kitchen wall dry so that mold can't develop.  We also had recently learned that large breed dogs should always eat and drink out of raised bowls to prevent bloat.  We unfortunately had a relative with a dog who suffered this life threatening condition this past summer and our research led us to the Neater Feeder.   Our Airedale loves the feeding system, and so do we!


You can see a video of the neater feeder in action and learn more about all the benefits by watching the great video on their webpage.


Neater Feeder will also give back a percentage of their sales to animal related charitable organizations including Pals For Life, who provide animal companions to those in need.  So remember Neater Feeder this holiday season for all the pet owners on your list!

Enter to win a Neater Feeder of your own. Details below
a Rafflecopter giveaway





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