November 20

New Release – Forgotten Trails (The Montana Trails Series)


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forgottentrailsforgotten_trails_ebook_jpgWhen a Native American Salish woman seeks out her past, she must challenge her beliefs in herself and her family or lose her chance at love.

Rachiah has always prided herself in her heritage in the Salish community in northwestern Montana. When she finds out her dad isn’t her biological father, Rachiah determines it’s time to find out the truth everyone has kept hidden.

Damon has hurt a girl like Rachiah in the past. His need to make it up to her and assuage his guilt overwhelms him, forcing him to pursue a friendship with Rachiah when her aloofness would normally discourage him from trying further.

Will Damon’s need to fix his guilty past mess with Rachiah’s need to find herself? Or will they both diminish into the forgotten world of what-ifs and ranches?

Grab the next installment of the Montana Trails series and get roped into a family saga worth risking your heart for.

Buy on Amazon / Barnes and Noble / Kobo / iBooks

Start the series for FREE – Broken Trails – Amazon / iBooks / Kobo / Barnes and Noble

Real people, real loss, real love. Bonnie
Bonnie focuses on the emotional thrill of the romance, the discovery of self and the dynamic forces at play to both pull and push love growth.
With 6 children and her own eternal romance at home, Bonnie lives her own dream every day. She's spoiled with blessings and wants to share the joy of ever-after possibilities with others.
Whether it's a happy-ever-after or a happy-for-now, the emotions will leave you story drunk for days, if not years.
You'll be able to say where you were when you closed the book.
Surviving all things real and coming out better on the other side.

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