January 17

New Year, New Plans


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With the new year comes new decisions and new plans. I was never a “New Year resolution” person but I always strived to do something better for my family when the New Year comes along.

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This year, I have decide to meal plan. This takes a lot of planning on my end but less and less time in the grocery store. In this post, I wrote about starting to coupon. This process helps me plan my meals throughout the week and make sure that I save my family money while making meals that are healthy for my family. The one above isn't mine but is something close to what I'm doing. Everyday, I have a specific dinner that I plan on making… with a recipe behind it if I've never made it before.

For me, meal planning makes cooking dinner so much easier. I hate coming home from a long day at work and realizing that I have no idea what I'm making for dinner AND I haven't pulled anything from the freezer. I hate making an unplanned grocery store trip spending most of that time looking for something to make for dinner. This way, everything is in its place way before hand and the night before, I would pull anything that needs to be defrosted into the fridge and do some prep work if needed. Crock pot meals would be a breeze. I'm so excited about it.

What makes it hard for me? Lunch the next day. My husband and I always take left overs for lunch. It saves money and keeps our fridge clear of leftover containers. So when I meal plan, Everything from Sunday to Thursday have to be something that can be warmed up for lunch the next day.

This week is my first week meal planning and its going well I must say… what are your tricks and trades for meal planning?

Ashley is a busy mom of two boys and a resident contributor for Taking Time for Mommy – Online Magazine for Mom. She is also the owner of and the little ones too. You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook.


meal planning

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