January 14

Polar Bear Oreo Cookies


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polar bear oreo cookies

Polar Bear Oreo Cookies


1 package of Oreo Cookies
1 package of Ghirardelli white chocolate wafers
1 container of small candy eyes
Black royal icing

Icing Ingredients:

2 egg whites
1 C powder sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
Black  gel food coloring


-Using a double boiler melt the Ghirardelli white chocolate wafers.
-Line a cookie sheet with wax paper.
-Place one Oreo cookie at a time in the double boiler  working with a fork to spread the  white chocolate over  it  and then to flip it over to the other side of the cookie.  After both sides of the Oreo have been coated in the white chocolate put the fork under one side of the cookie lifting it out of the double boiler.  Place it on the wax paper lined cookie sheet.  Repeat until all of your cookies have been coated in the white chocolate.
-While the  white chocolate covered Oreo's chocolate is still warm position the white chocolate wafer in the middle of the cookie for the belly.
-Now add the two small candy eyes as pictured before the white chocolate dries.
-The white chocolate covering the Oreo should still be warm enough to act as the “glue” to hold the belly, and eyes in position.
-Cut one white chocolate wafer in half.  Using the white chocolate already on the cookie for glue attach each half to the upper sides of the Oreo cookie for the ears. (If the white chocolate will not hold the “ears” then heat the white chocolate again.)
-Refer to the picture of the Polar Bear Oreo Cookie for positioning.
-Set to the side to allow the white chocolate to dry.

Icing Directions:

-Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl mixing on medium speed for 4 minutes. (except your food coloring)
-If icing is  not stiff enough add 1/4 C powder sugar.
-In the  bowl, add several drops of black gel food coloring. Stir  to mix well.
-Spoon the icing into a piping  bag with a #2 tip. Twist the open end of the bag to push the icing to the tip.

Polar Bear Oreo Cookies Directions:

-Refer again to the pictures.
-Using the black icing in the piping bag to outline and fill in the nose.  The shape of the nose is more of an egg shape laying on its side.
-With the same piping bag draw a half circle for the mouth.
-Set aside for 2 hours to allow the cookie to completely dry.


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