April 9

Real Moms Love To Eat Book Blitz


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We're celebrating! It's Spring and Summer will soon be here. What better time to start shedding pounds and living a healthier life? Now's the time, and I'm right there with you.

Purchase Real Moms Love To Eat by Beth Aldrich today, and you will get the following:

Peace Love and Snacks by Stan Starks at 50% off – $4.50

Speed: A How-To Guide to Quick & Permanent Fat Loss – pay just shipping $2.75 paperback edition

A Proper Charlie by Louise Wise – FREE Ebook
Death Upon Me by BK Walker – FREE Ebook

About Real Moms Love To Eat:

Beth Aldrich, author of, Real Moms Love to Eat wants you to conduct a love affair with food and still look fabulous by simply working through her easy-to-follow 10-part plan of making over your entire outlook and relationship with food. You have to eat at least three times a day, so why not love what you're eating and feed yourself food that will love you back? Discover new and interesting ways to prepare and “get involved” with food; complete with 21-days of satisfying and delicious meal suggestions, this funny book will find a permanent spot on your bedside table or kitchen counter. Real Moms really DO love to eat!

Excerpt from the book:

“Oh, food—how we love you, and how we fear you. How we desire you, and how we push you away.
Food, you shameless flirt, you player, you tease. You could almost seduce us into an illicit affair. . . . Maybe
because moms are so concerned with setting a good example or guiding their kids down the right path, we
sometimes make ourselves feel guilty. We deny ourselves pleasure. But when it comes to food, this is a big,
Oh, no, you don’t! Denial leads to obsession—the nasty kind where you can’t get that bad boy out of your
head and then you binge. Instead, when you give yourself the license to love a variety of foods, experiment
with an array of flavors, and lighten up on your self-righteous have-to-eat-100-percent-healthy-and-be-
perfect-all-the-time side, then you can give yourself permission to love—food and anything or anyone else.
You find a new balance. You find your own personal way of healthy eating. Fear leads only to ruin. Denial
leads to deprivation. Controlled indulgence, on the other hand, leads to freedom.”

Just a few of the many busy-mom-friendly tips readers of REAL MOMS LOVE TO EAT will learn include:

Make it All About YOU: Remembering the pleasure inherent in early food experiences can make

food seem like a friend, not an enemy. Beth teaches readers how to have a loving relationship with food

and recapture the pleasure, showing them how to change their perspective on food-for good. Out with the

guilt and in with the happy-tasty-delicious! This book will provide the tools needed for moms to feel more

energetic and still look great in those skinny jeans!

Get Naked with Raw Foods: Every bite of fresh, scrumptious, whole foods can increase vitality,

energy and contribute to the health of the planet. Raw foods are easy to prepare and make your mouth sing.

You’ll be asking the sales clerk, “May I get a smaller size, please?” in no time, when you get on the whole-

food wagon.

Tame your Cravings Dragon: If you’re yearning for sweets and processed baked goods, odds are

your cravings dragon needs to be tamed. By consuming nutrient-dense whole grains, such as quinoa, whole-

grain toast with sesame butter, and oatmeal, that dragon of yours will turn into a pussycat in no time.

Hungry for More Lovin’?: In addition to the easy-to-follow steps outlined in Beth’s 10-part

plan, there’s 21 days of lick-the-back-of-the-spoon, sample menu suggestions, complete with lifestyle

recommendations and recipes including, Balsamic Broccoli Salad, Harvest Pumpkin and Black Bean Soup,

Lime-Crusted Spiced Salmon, Cocoon Chicken and Apple Cobbler Du Barbi—and yes, you can have a

piece of chocolate every day—Beth insists upon it! Find out why.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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