December 29

Riding for Redemption Book Review


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Desperate to find her place in the world, Sara Beth dreams of applying for the Miss Wrangler Montana competition that tours with the rodeo circuit.

Riding horses has become her anchor until a near fatal accident takes more from her than she’d ever willingly sacrifice.

Determined to prove his business training, Johnny seeks out the Rourke family to call in an old favor. When he embroils himself in Sara Beth’s life, he has to prove they’re nothing more than friends.
Seeking independence, both Sara Beth and Johnny lean on each other more and more, until love threatens their friendship. Will they seek out each other or be confused by their dreams?
Can either of them leave their past and embrace their future?

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 Riding Redemption was a fast packed read. I finished in a couple of hours which was perfect after such a busy day. It starts out with Sarah Beth defying what her sister's boyfriend said and took out a horse that wasn't ready. The horse threw her and came back without her. Handsome and wrongly ostracized from his family Johnny came to the rescue.

Sarah Beth deals with maybe never walking again, and Johnny has to deal with his past. I loved that the story wasn't about getting it each others' pants. It was a sweet love story built on friendship. It was quick and interesting with a great twist and I stayed glued to the pages!

I received a copy for my honest review.

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Bonnie R. Paulson mixes her science and medical background with reality and possibilities to make even myths seem likely and give every Bonnieromance the genetic strength to survive. Bonnie has discovered a dark and twisty turn in her writing that she hopes you enjoy as much as she has enjoyed uncovering it. Dirt biking with her family in the Northwest keeps her sane.

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