December 7

Santa Cupcakes


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Santa Cupcakes

Santa Cupcakes

Ho ho ho. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here. We have music playing in the background, decorations are up, and we are baking! Lots, and lots of Christmas baking going on! We take goodies to our neighbors, teachers, and friends. We also like to have the girls' friends over for a ‘craft' and these Santa cupcakes are so easy to make and the kids love to decorate them. Then they get to eat their goodies!

This is also a fun family activity. We usually do some baking on Christmas Eve while we watch movies and drink hot cocoa and these would be perfect. Besides, Santa told me he isn't in the mood for cookies this year…

 Christmas Tree Brownie Bites


This makes 12 cupcakes

What you need 

– white frosting
– mini chocolate chips
– mini marshmallows
– red sprinkles
– red M&M's
– shredded coconut
Santa Cupcakes
 Remember to pin it! Follow me on Pinterest!


– Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
– Line a 12 cup cupcake pan with liners.
– Prepare the cake mix according to directions. Pour into the cupcake pan.
– Bake for 15 minutes or until the top is golden brown.
– Let cool.
–  You can use this Betty Crocker Cupcake Frosting for easy piping or regular white frosting.
– Pipe the white frosting onto the cupcakes.

– Place 5 mini marshmallows in a row on the cupcake to create the brim of the Santa hat.

– Sprinkle the red sprinkles above the mini marshmallows to create the Santa hat. Place a mini marshmallow on top.
– Place 2 mini chocolate chips under the brim of the hat for eyes and a red M&M for a nose.
– Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!
Aren't they adorable?
Santa Cupcakes
Did you make them? Let me know in the comments! Are you following me on Pinterest? You should be!!
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