December 21

Science Project Holiday Gifts- Scented Playdough {Video}


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peppermint playdoughScience Project Holiday Gifts- Scented Playdough

Are you looking for a fun project to do with your children? How about making scented Playdough. You combine fun crafts, gift giving, and learning in this fun video. Need a last minute gift? This is a fun one!

Mary Porter Green from Curiosity Zone demonstrates how to create scented playdough.

 Mary Porter Green is Founder, President and Chief Curiosity Officer for Curiosity Zone, the award-winning hands-on science center for kids in located in Ashburn, Virginia (just outside Washington, D.C.)  Through fun, familiar projects and activities, Curiosity Zone inspires kids ages 2 to 11 to explore, discover and learn about the world around them.
Through teaching science to more than 60,000 young kids over the last five years, Curiosity Zone has developed a proprietary, proven curriculum with more than 160 engaging science labs designed to inspire young kids in science. The labs cover all of the major sciences, including chemistry, physics, life science, earth science, weather, and astronomy, as well as concepts in engineering and math.  Curiosity Zone’s weekly classes, summer camps, birthday parties and workshops offer a smarter enrichment experience for twenty-first century kids, and its toy store is a wonderful resource for parents and teachers interested in inspiring young kids in science.


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  1. Can’t wait to try this with my daughter! Will have to wait though until she is a little older because she will eat it right now!

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