April 3

Sometimes the gift of life needs a little help


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Being a mom is one of the best things that ever happened in my life.  Every morning when I wake up to a smiling child, I am so grateful to have experienced having a child. Carrying a baby and then watching them grow is something you can’t describe, you have to experience it.

Things don’t always go as planned and getting pregnant took me longer than I expected.  We tried for a while before we realized we were going to need some help.  I was no spring chicken at 38 years old but I was young enough to be able to carry babies.

Our first stop was Santa Monica Fertility.  They were so kind and understanding.  We really felt they were sensitive to our needs and concerns.

Tests showed I could carry a child but my eggs weren’t viable. We needed to think beyond what our bodies could provide to have children. I had never considered egg donation until then.  It made my family possible, though. The selfless gift of a young woman giving her eggs to us made all of our dreams come true. I will never meet her but she will be a gift to our family forever.

After just two tries we realized we were going to have twins.  It was the most exciting day of our life.  That moment when all the work and effort and waiting paid off.  Now I have the most beautiful children, one boy and one girl. Perfect!  Without Santa Monica Fertility, we wouldn’t have had these miracles.


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