March 16

Sugar Cookie Mint Sandwiches #EasterwithPillsbury

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This recipe is brought to you by Pillsbury

I'm so glad Spring is finally here (or around the corner for some of you).  We're seeing a lot of marsh rabbits and birds in the yard. Some of our flowers are also in bloom.

I love everything about Spring! The colors, the sounds, the smells…We start going to the beach and hiking more too. It makes me want to get out of the house. We've started working in the yard and are getting ready to plant the next season's garden but for now we're enjoying all of our kale and mustard greens.

We've been working on getting ready for Easter as well. We'll be meeting up with the grandparents and having a delicious meal and egg hunt. We will all bring a dessert and I'm making these SUPER EASY Sugar Cookie Mint Sandwiches . We're also packing them up to take to all of our spring-time activities like the park, jiu-jitsu, and surfing at the beach (with spring suits!)

They are incredibly simple which is perfect because I know that I'll have enough time to make them and there are something that my girls will love.

We buy our cookie supplies at Walmart where they have every day low prices. They have an entire section on their website with even more Pillsbury Recipes.

What you need –

1 package of Pillsbury Sugar Cookies

1 container of Pillsbury Cream Cheese Frosting

Food Coloring

Peppermint oil or extract

To make these Sugar Cookie Mint Sandwiches all you have to do is  bake the Pillsbury cookies according to their directions. It took about 10 mins and they came out perfect. I let them cool while I  add one drop of peppermint oil to the cream cheese frosting and mixing it up. A little goes a LONG way. Then I separated the Pillsbury Cream Cheese Frosting into 3 containers and added a color to each one. I chose Red, Green, and Blue. I only added a little since I was going for pastel colors.

The family LOVED the cookies and said they looked and tasted like they came from a bakery!

I'm really looking forward to making Pillsbury Bunny Shape Sugar Cookies for Easter too.

They are adorable and would look great with the mint frosting in the middle too!


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