My name is Mandie Stevens I'm the founder and owner of Taking Time for Mommy – Online Magazine for Moms. I started the site after leaving my career to stay home with the children. I needed something to do and this site was born.
I have two great little girls that I homeschool. We believe in natural learning and we have a lot of fun. We try to live naturally, compost, and have a nice garden.
I'm also a foodie. I would be happy to eat Seafood every day and love a nice glass of wine. Pictures aren't for me, I'd rather be behind the camera. My feet are entirely too small, I blame them for my clumsiness and I'm an avid reader and am attempting to write my first novel. wow, that was a mouthful.
In addition to Taking Time for Mommy I also own Time4mommy – A Community for Moms and a book promotional company – Promotional Book Tours.
Wonderful! Looks like you have been extra busy! The site is looking great! Good luck with your book and homeschooling your munchkins!
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