March 18

The Daddy Diaper Pack Giveaway


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The Daddy Diaper Pack Giveaway Hosted by Mommy Lesson Plans


The Daddy Diaper Pack is the ultimate pack for Dads with large straps and clips to secure it , and to take it off quickly and smoothly. The side pockets are handy for water bottles, baby bottles, and sippy cups. There’s a big pouch for diapers, wipes, and a change of clothing (and naturally a smaller one for the dirty stuff).
The front organizer pocket is designed for the necessities like keys, money, cell phone, pacifier, and smaller toys. The insulated cooler pouch is ideal for goodies.
The Daddy Diaper Pack by DaddyScrubs is truly the ultimate go-to diaper bag for fathers!

To find out more, read Mommy Lesson Plans product review.

Daddy Scrubs is generously giving one winner a Daddy Diaper Pack valued at $69.95


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