May 23

The Difference is Clear – non-drowsy CLARITIN® #thedifferenceisclear


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    I have HORRIBLE allergies and gheez, I live in Florida so I suffer a lot unless I take medicine. I can only take non-drowsy otherwise I act loopy… very loopy.

Without any medicine at all? Well I act a little bit like

Brooke Burke-Charvet in this video. It's HILARIOUS!!

The film is a crazy, over-the-top look at two versions of one busy woman’s day who is juggling work, life and family while also dealing with allergies. In the first version of her day, Brooke’s character doesn’t take her allergy medication, and her non-stop allergy symptoms cause an impossibly upside-down day, where nothing goes right and everything goes wrong. In the second version, she treats her allergies and has an impossibly outrageous day, so much so, that there is no limit to what she can achieve.


I wrote this post while participating in a blog tour conducted by Burst Media on behalf of Claritin®. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program, but my opinions are my own.



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