February 12

Family Movie Night – The Jungle Book The Movie: Rumble In The Jungle


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We are always doing something fun with the family. We go bowling, hiking, play games, and our favorite is cuddling up and watching movies together. When we were asked to review The Jungle Book The Movie: Rumble In The Jungle I was excited because I knew it would be a fun family fun night!

Here is the synopsis for the movie –

There's trouble in the jungle, and as usual, Mowgli and Mani are at the center of it all! While they enjoy their time drumming away at logs in the jungle, Shere Khan plots to put an end to the noise. Meanwhile, Tabaqui is stuck in a well, Appu gets lost, and there's something fishy going on at the Cold Lair… Will Mowgli, escape the clutches of the evil Shere Khan, and manage to still have time to join his friends in the jungle rhythm?

I love the Jungle book and I was so excited to share with my children. We were given a giftcard to buy snacks from Walmart, the movie, Mowgli claw necklace, and mask. My youngest daughter hasn't taken the necklace off since the first night we got the package in.

See how cute she is in her mask and necklace!


Be sure to swing by Walmart and pick up your copy of The Jungle Book The Movie: Rumble In The Jungle so you can have a fun family movie night!

I received a copy of this movie and a giftcard to buy movie night snacks for my honest review. No other compensation was received.


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  1. We were just talking about the fact that our Jungle Book VHS has seen better days! I did not realize this was out. Thanks for the review! Whoot!

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