January 18

The Keeper and the Rune Stone (The Black Ledge Series) by Paige W. Pendleton #FreeEbook & Excerpt


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The-Keeper-and-the-Rune-StoneThe Keeper and the Rune Stone

An unholy ritual, a ticking clock. Four children discover there are things that go bump in the night …

Centuries ago a group of Elves committed an unholy ritual. But the ritual was a spectacular failure. It transformed the Elves into the Noctivagi – the beings we know as vampires.

Striving to maintain a fragile peace, the ancient Elves and Dwarves negotiated an Accord, which they’ve renewed every year on the Summer Solstice. The ceremony depends on the magical Rune Stone, but it’s missing. If it is not found—and quickly—the consequences could be dire, and not just for Elves and Dwarves.

Four children, Rob, Jack, Eleanor, and Flora, stumble into a world of magic and mayhem when they move into Black Ledge, the old estate on the Maine coast, and discover they aren’t the only ones who live there.

Get it FREE here!

Read an Excerpt – The Halfling

Jack crossed the cellar and grabbed a Lacrosse stick. He came back, and gently prodded the prone form.
The man swiped a hand where Jack had poked him, but didn't wake. Jack prodded him again, a bit harder. This time he sputtered, and woke up.
He didn't appear pleased. Eleanor moved Flora farther back.
“I say! No need to wake a fellow. Best be a fire, mate,” he said, and pulled himself to an upright position.  Shaggy, uneven bangs fell in his eyes.
He fumbled around in the sofa until he found a cap, which he promptly stuffed on his head. “Not proper, catching a man undressed and all,” he muttered, keeping his hand on his hat defiantly.  He pulled a flask from the waistband of his grubby pants and took a long haul. A bit dribbled down his chin, which he wiped away with the back of his hand and scowled. “Who’re you?”
“We live here. I think the better question is, who are you?” Jack leaned on the lacrosse stick.
The odd fellow looked around the cellar. “Here? Funny we ain’t never met afore. Well, you git yer own sofa. This here’s mine.”
Jack rolled his eyes. “Not here, here.” He pointed up to the house above them. “Up there. This is our house.”
“Ahhh. Well, good ‘nuff. Plenty room fer us all.” The small man made to lie back down.
“Wait! You can’t stay here,” Rob said.
“Don’t see why not. I was here first, right?”
“But we live here,” Rob said.
“Greedy one, ain’t ya? W’all, I ain’t leaving,” the small man said, crossing his arms over his chest.
Jack tried a different tact. “How long have you been here?”
The scruffy little man frowned and thought for a moment. “Oh, must be nigh on 30 years, now. The little lady gave me the boot, good and proper, right? Been here ever since.”
 “But our parents aren’t aware,” Eleanor pointed out.
“Oh, that ain’t no problem. Humans can’t see us halflings unless they have the knowledge, right? Don’t you worry none. They won’t bother me a bit.”
Jack snorted. Eleanor and Rob exchanged glances. The problem wasn’t their parents bothering this being.
“What's your name? And what are you, anyway?” asked Jack.
“My name is Ralph, right? I’m a GOBLIN. Not to be confused with them uppity Hobs. I tend the gardens ‘round here.” His eyes narrowed. “Who wants to know?”
“I’m Rob, and these are my sisters Eleanor and Flora, and my brother Jack,” Rob said.
“You stay outa my gardens, and off’n my sofa, an' we’ll git on jes fine,” Ralph said. “Now, if you’ll ‘scuse me, I was havin' my nap.” He lay down, and rolled his back to them. The pointed toe of his worn shoe caught a hole in the cushion, and he thrashed for a moment before he freed it. A few pieces of batting wafted into the air.
Okay, now here is the funny part. Paige and Vernon (His is posted for FREE HERE) are having a smack down. Whoever gets the most downloads wins. Look What Vernon has to do if he loses HERE


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