December 14

The LG DoublePlay™ – I Really Want One


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This post brought to you by LG DoublePlay™. All opinions are 100% mine.

I'm not very tech savy and right now I have a phone that *gasps* calls, yep that's about it. I guess I could technically text but it will take me 20 minutes. Why haven't I changed phones yet? Because I'm waiting for my contract to come up so I can change carriers. I'd take a picture of my current phone but it's embarrassing. You know you are behind the times when your parents have a cooler phone than you.

I've been doing some research and I like The LG Doubleplay™ It's equipped with dual customizable touch screens ¾ a 3.5-inch main display and 2.0-inch sub display ¾ that operate independently as well as a full slide-out QWERTY keyboard and Swype® for easy text input.

It will allow me to update my Facebook pages while surfing the Web, texting or checking email. I've been looking for the perfect blogging phone. You know, one that actually does something besides just calling 🙁 I'd like to leave 1988. This phone also offers multiple messaging options, including Cloud Text™ and Group Text™, giving users the ability to send and receive texts from a PC or tablet or create group chats on-the-go for faster, more efficient content sharing. All I know is that I need a phone for my blogging!

Do you use your phone for a lot of social networking? Does the LG DoublePlay™ sound like a good phone if I'm going to be on facebook on twitter a lot? I'm starting to use other social networks too like Digg, linkin, and triberr. I bet I could even post to my own community this this phone. I'm getting exited! I can't wait until my contract is up so I can get a new phone!!
The phone is exclusive to T-Mobile.

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