June 22

The Light Tamer {Book Review}


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   The Light Tamer (The Light Tamer Trilogy)

Jessie moved from New York to North Carolina one week after school let out for summer break. Her newly single mother and Jessie move in with grandma Gayle. Being a teen in a retirement area, is one more thing to add to her ‘this sucks’ list. It’s bad enough to have to move, but even worse her alcoholic father left them as he went on a quest to be an artist in Greece.

Things begin to look up when she is reintroduced to Caleb, the dorky boy that saved her life one summer at the beach. Caleb is no longer scrawny and nerdy, he is now tall, dark and handsome. Caleb is a Light Tamer.

Jessie and Amber become fast friends. Amber is a no frills girl, her snarky comments and sassy attitude will raise a few eyebrows and have you laughing out loud. Amber is rough around the edges, a light tamer with only two years left to find the one she is bound to. Her father’s surfing accident left her dad paralyzed and her brother dead.

This paranormal romance will keep you on the edge of your seat with humor, romance, and determination. Fall head over heels for Caleb and Jessie.

Buy Kindle / Paperback / Nook / Smashwords

Mandie's Thoughts – All of my regular followers know I love YA. I read several other genres but YA holds a special place. You get to experience first love and young emotions all over again.

Jessie had a VERY rough life. Her dad is handling her brother's death with the bottle and now moving to Greece for an art career. Her mom and her have to leave New York and move to North Carolina to live with Grandma (who goes by Ms. Gayle.) New York and the South are like night and day but at least Jessie has her childhood friend Caleb.

Caleb is now a hottie and Jessie and he are connected due to him saving her life when she was younger. Caleb is a Light Tamer and is her bonded mate. I don't want to tell everything in the story but I will say Amber is SO FUNNY and the characters are very likeable. There are the “Dark ones” to keep it all interesting. These kids definitely can't live as normal teenagers.

The Light Tamer is very fast paced and an enjoyable read. I recommend for anyone who loves YA, this was a refreshing break because it was a little different. Now I want to read

The Legacy of Kilkenny (The Legacy Series) by this author.

You can pick up the Light Tamer for only $2.99 for the kindle version. That is LESS than a Starbucks Coffee!

Devyn Dawson is having a fun contest. Check it out HERE

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.


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