July 10

TheraBreath Review and Sweeps


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By Meridith

Nobody likes to talk about it, but everyone has had to deal with bad breath at some point.  There are so many products on the market that aim to cure halitosis but very few attack the real culprit: bacteria.  Those bacteria actually do more than cause bad breath, they can also be responsible for cavities, biofilm, plaque formation, gum disease, even ear aches and sore throats.   I started to notice that my breath and mouth had become stale feeling throught the day.  I tried using mouth washes and expensive toothpaste but they more often than not left my tongue and mouth raw feeling.  I was super excited to receive TheraBreath Multi-Symptom ProBiotics for review.

This week long dentist developed kit was designed to fill my mouth with beneficial bacteria.  Each packet contains an exclusive blend of BLIS K12 and M18 probiotics that were surprisingly very mild and pleasant tasting.  There was no stinging or raw feeling after gargling with the mixture, or after using the specially formulated toothpaste that comes in the kit.   After just the first day of use I could tell a difference in the taste and smell of my mouth and by the the 4th day the bad breath and stale taste were completely gone!  This kit was so easy to use that I cannot imagine using any other product to keep my mouth in balance.   What if you purchase this kit and don't agree with me?  Every TheraBreath product comes backed by a money back guarantee.

Do you want to try out one of TheraBreath's awesome products?  Here is your chance.  TheraBreath is giving one lucky reader TheraBreath Mouth Wetting Lozenges.  “They work in three distinct stages to make sure your mouth is fresh, moist, and healthy. This three stage approach is not only unique, but incredibly effective at controlling dry mouth and bad breath odor.”

Open to U.S. residents in the lower 48 states only.

I received a product for my honest review, no other compensation was received.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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