There Snow Place Like Home Printable
I really really love printables. They are so cute and you can change the look of a space in the matter of minutes. I made this cute There Snow Place Like Home Printable for you!
There is no snow here in Northeast Florida (well, not REALLY.) It seems that once a decade we get some flurries so I have to pretend. No snow here but I love to decorate like there is! I also have this Farm Fresh Christmas Tree Printable.
Please remember that all printables from Taking Time for Mommy are for personal use only.
This is very budget friendly if you use a frame you already have or buy one from the Dollar Tree or Walmart then it is SUPER cheap.
Want a PDF to print up There Snow Place Like Home?
I have white and blue! Click on the pictures below for the PDF file.
Want more Christmas Printables? I have a lot! Be sure to sign up for my emails for more printables, recipes, and more! (sign up on the side).