October 14

Tiger Balm Review and Contest


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I was sent this Tiger Balm rub to try for my neck and shoulders and I have to say it was AMAZING! I carry a lot of tension in my neck and have used MANY different lotions but I have to say the tiger balm Neck and Shoulder rub worked the best for my Neck and Shoulder pain. Within minutes I felt like a new woman and my husband loves it too.

A matter of fact I need to get some more soon. Thankfully People can request a $1.00 coupon for their next purchase of Neck & Shoulder Rub through the website http://www.mytigerbalm.com/tiger-balm-coupons.htm Which I am definitely doing!

You can win a trip for two to Maui, an Apple iPad, or one of three iPod nanos by entering the Tiger Balm Sweepstakes. The entry form can be found by “Liking” their Facebook page (www.facebook.com/TigerBalmUS).

They also do a weekly drawing where one randomly chosen Facebook fan wins a gift pack filled with about $50 worth of Tiger Balm products.

If you are someone you love suffers from neck and back pain I HIGHLY recommend this!

We are giving one lucky winner a bottle of the Tiger Balm Neck and Shoulder rub. Enter in the form below.


I received a product to review for my honest opinion, no other compensation was received





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  1. I fell out of a moving truck when I was about 17 and landed on my shoulder. It healed quickly, but now that I am getting older, it has begun to give me trouble. I think that Tiger Balm might help.

  2. I would love to try this product! I’m on my feet all day working with the elderly and by the time I get home each night my neck and back are aching… not to mention my feet! Thank you

  3. I would love it for me, I have fibromyalgia and writing/typing blogging gets my neck and shoulder. But I would share it with my mom.

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