August 8

To Love A Wolf (Wolves of Shadow Falls) #BookBlast


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To Love A Wolf (Wolves of Shadow Falls)
Genre: Paranormal Erotica Romance
Passions are fueled…Two World's collide…

What would you do if your future had another plan for you?Cevin Harpster is in his residency year to obtain his M.D. He's looking forward to his new life after graduation, where he will open his own practice and marry his high school sweetheart.

When Cevin suddenly starts dreaming of a beautiful woman he can't help but wonder if he may be going insane, as she seduces him night after night, taking him to heights of ecstasy he never knew he longed for. As the dreams become more frequent, his sex drive rockets and his fiance', Sam, finds Cevin's new desire for experimenting enticing, even if a bit rough, when his sexual experiences from his dreams are used on her.

Weird things continue to happen in Cevin's dreams, when he learns that this mysterious woman actually exists, and he is meant to be her mate and lead a pack of wolves he never imagined to be real.

When dreams and reality meet…someone always gets burned!

Purchase on Amazon

About B.K. Walker

When dreams and reality meet…someone always gets burned! Jack of all trades, master of none, so she believes.

BK Walker is first and foremost a mother and a wife. With three beautiful children and a wonderful husband, she enjoys her days living on their farm in Eastern Pennsylvania.

When she's not writing, she manages her time organizing virtual book tours for other authors, and coaching authors through her mentor programs at BookIt BK. Putting most of her time into research, BK is always seeking for the most effective ways to market and promote books and business alike.

Art is a secondary love, and you may often find her sketches popping up on one of her blogs, or simply catch her reading the magic created in the pages of a great novel. Who knows, it just may be yours.

Follow the Tour

The Author is giving away a signed set of Immortal Kisses and Night Secrets paperbacks, a $10 GC along with 3 bookmark swag packs.

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  1. I love the wolf pack loyalty, but the shifting has to be the pits, so I will stick with vampires, even though I have read more shifter books lately. Congrats on your book tour and thank you for a great giveaway!

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