December 6

Unique Gift Finder from Novica


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Are you tired of getting dear ‘0l dad yet another tie? How about getting him a unique handcrafted gift made by talented artisans
from around the world?
Novica has a Unique Gift Finder
You can find Romantic Gifts for Her, Gifts by Personality, Gifts for the Animal Lover, and so much more!
Find that perfect gift for Christmas!
We are teaming up with Novica for a contest. They have so many great gifts you will want
to get something for yourself. We're giving away a $100 Novica Giftcode!!
Open Internationally (or where ever they ship to) Ends 12/21/12 @ 11:59PM EST
Fill out the Form Below to Enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. I am so in love with Novica! They have the greatest products and I love their mission. Right now I have my eye on the Cotton and alpaca sweater, ‘Desert Warmth’.

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