January 6

Want to Know a Dirty Little Secret?


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By Dr. James Forsythe,
Author of Anti-Aging Cures: Life Changing Secrets to Reverse the Effects of Aging

Most of the health industry keeps a dirty little secret from you — the vast majority of vitamins and supplement products sold in the world today fail to work effectively.

Our bodies simply can't break down and assimilate many supplement products because they are synthetics created in pharmaceutical industry laboratories. More than 90 percent of all the supplements sold in the United States are synthetics, as opposed to natural, plant-based, according to nutrition expert Dr. Brian Clement, director of the Hippocrates Health Institute and author of the book Supplements Exposed.

As a result of this synthetic overload, our digestive system ends up passing most vitamin supplements through our system virtually unabsorbed!

Food provides the best, most direct way to get healthy nutrition that the body can readily absorb. That means plants, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. But most of us fail to get enough of these in our daily food intake.

Worsening matters, many industrial food farms add harmful chemicals to our fruits and vegetables in an effort to preserve crops through the long transportation process, from farms to the supermarket, and eventually to your table. Those pesticides, preservatives, and other synthetic chemical residues pose health risks.

When you purchase supplements, always try to find natural, organic products that come directly from plant-based sources. Look for labels that say “Naturally Occurring Standard” to indicate the ingredients come straight from plants rather than chemical laboratories. This helps to ensure that you absorb only the highest quality and densest nutrient supplements.

The above is an excerpt from the book Anti-Aging Cures: Life Changing Secrets to Reverse the Effects of Aging by Dr. James Forsythe. The above excerpt is a digitally scanned reproduction of text from print. Although this excerpt has been proofread, occasional errors may appear due to the scanning process. Please refer to the finished book for accuracy.

Copyright © 2011 Dr. James Forsythe, author of Anti-Aging Cures: Life Changing Secrets to Reverse the Effects of Aging

Author Bio
James W. Forsythe, M.D., H.M.D., 
author of Anti-Aging Cures: Life Changing Secrets to Reverse the Effects of Aging, has long been considered one of the most respected physicians in the United States, particularly for his treatment of cancer and the legal use of human growth hormone.

In the early 1960s, Dr. Forsythe graduated with honors from University of California at Berkeley and earned his Medical Degree from University of California, San Francisco, before spending two years' residency in pathology at Tripler Army Hospital, in Honolulu. After a tour of duty in Vietnam, he returned to San Francisco and completed and internal medicine residency and an oncology fellowship.

Dr. Forsythe is a world-renowned speaker and author. He has co-authored and written chapters in numerous bestsellers. Today, in Reno, Nevada, Dr. Forsythe maintains a conventional medical clinic, the Cancer Screening and Treatment Center, and a homeopathic practice, Century Wellness Clinic. A former associate professor of medicine at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, Dr. Forsythe has conducted numerous original clinical outcome-based studies on many natural substances. For more than twenty years, he has been interested in integrating complementary and conventional medicine.

For more information please visit http://www.antiagingcures.com, and follow the author on Twitter


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