October 4

10 Halloween Crafts


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10 Halloween CraftsLooking for quick and easy Halloween Crafts? You've come to the right place. Summer is almost over & Halloween is right around the corner, and it's time to get a jump on your decor! I've compiled this list of fun crafts, decor, and even a costume tutorial for under $10 for you.

Whether you're in need of a treat bag for the kiddo's, a pumpkin for mantel, or a cheap do-it-yourself candle; this list has everything you need to get in the Halloween spirit!

  1. Halloween Memory Tree {Second Chance To Dream}
  2. DIY Candy Corn Candles Perfect for a Halloween Centerpiece {Simm Works Family}
  3. Mummy Juice Boxes {Stockpiling Moms}
  4. Mod Podged Lace Pumpkin {The Grant Life}
  5. Halloween Candy Jar {SusieQTpies Cafe}
  6. Fall Scented Pumpkins {Practically Functional}
  7. $3 Medusa Costume & Makeup Tutorial {Slap Dash Mom}
  8. Wooden Pumpkin Family {Kathe With an E}
  9. Glow In The Dark Treat Bag {Summer Scraps}
  10. Halloween Rag Wreath {Juggling Act Mama}


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  1. I have always wanted to make a rag wreath and this one is so pretty. I will have to try making it, and these Halloween crafts are so much fun!

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