November 7

10 Ways you can Make Extra Money This Holiday Season


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      10 Ways you can Make Extra Money This Holiday Season

Every year the holidays seem to arrive faster than we expect and this year is no exception. With the economy being sluggish, thousands of stay at home moms are wondering what they can do this holiday season to earn some extra money for their family.Here are 10 ideas that you can do this season to earn some extra cash that don't require a college education.
1. Gift Wrapping Service – If you have a lot of free time and enjoy wrapping gifts, you could offer a gift wrapping service. You don't need to be a professional, you just need to be creative and neat with your packaging.
2. Baking Holiday Goodies – People lead very busy lives these days and don't have a lot of time to spend in their kitchens baking breads, cakes, pies and cookies. If you enjoy baking, you could offer to do the baking for your family and friends.
3. Babysitting Service – Parents are always looking for a few good babysitters so that they can run their errands and do their gift shopping. You will need to be flexible with your time and offer evening and/or weekend babysitting hours.
4. Greeting Cards Service – If you have nice penmanship, you could offer a greeting card service. You would have your customers purchase their own greeting cards and hand you their mailing list. You fill out the cards, address and stamp them…and then mail them off for your customer.
5. Dear Santa Christmas Letters – You can find free templates online on how to type up and send Dear Santa Claus response letters. Children love to get a reply back from Santa Claus along with a little trinket in their envelope.
6. Pet Sitting – A lot of people travel every year for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and they are looking for pet lovers who are responsible to care for their pets while they are away. You are usually required to walk, feed, water and play with the pet while the owner is away on vacation.
7. Gift Shopping – If you like to shop and don't mind fighting the crowds in the stores, then perhaps this is an option for you. You can have your customer give you a list of the items they want and you go out and purchase them for those on the customer's holiday gift-giving list.
8. Housecleaning – I know several home owners who hire seasonal housecleaning help. If you enjoy cleaning and if you are only looking to do it for a handful of weeks, this would be a nice option to earn some extra money.
9. Crafts – If you are creative and talented in the crafting medium…there is no better time to host your own craft show. If hosting one is not your cup of tea, you can find numerous Holiday bazaars and craft shows in your own community to participate in.
10. Party Host Services – A few years ago, a friend of mine was hosting a large party for her co-workers in her home. She hired me to come over for the day and evening to help her set up, cook, serve and clean-up after the party. If you enjoy entertaining guests and assisting a party host, this is a great opportunity to earn some extra money.I hope these 10 ideas have sparked some creative ideas of your own. If you are looking to make some extra money this holiday season…now is the time to prepare a plan, print up some flyers and spread the word about whatever type of service you plan on providing this holiday season.
Shelly Hill has been working from home in Direct Sales since 1989 and is a Manager with Tupperware. In Shelly's spare time, she enjoys helping others during the Holiday Season and earning extra money for her family. You can visit Shelly online at or at for some free family friendly recipes


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