January 26

10 year round lawn care tips


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10 year round lawn care tips

A perfect lawn is not always about the appearance. It’s all about the consistent maintenance all-year round to keep it healthy and green. When you live in a place that goes through all the seasons, you need to have a careful lawn care strategy in the face of snow, falling leaves, summer heat, and spring thaw.

Here are ten year-round lawn care tips you need to keep in mind.

  1. Do a proper mowing and edging.

The best way to jump-start your lawn is by doing proper mowing and edging. This allows the soil to breathe and makes it look neater. If you have a big lawn, invest in a good power rake to do things faster and efficiently.

  1. Make sure that your soil has a neutral pH.

Your soil has to have a neutral pH in order for a better grass growth. When your grass is too acidic or too alkaline, putting on fertilizers may not work most of the time. For a healthy lawn, always make a thorough check on your soil.

  1. Water your lawn wisely.

Your lawn can get stressful as temperatures increase which means you need to add more water to replace what has evaporated. Check the weather conditions and see if you need to adjust the water supply for your lawn.

  1. Avoid using too many chemicals to kill pests.

When battling with common pests on your lawn, make sure to use simple organic and low-nitrogen fertilizer.  Avoiding using too many chemicals can help make your lawn healthy and greener.

  1. Remove the thatch.

During autumn, it is important to remove those yellowish dead grass since it can block air and moisture. Be careful when removing it and not too aggressively since getting too deep using a rake can destroy your lawn.

  1. Invest in high functioning outdoor equipment.

Maintaining a lawn requires high-quality tools that can last long. Invest in good outdoor tools that you can use on a regular basis in order to have the best chance of taking care of your lawn.

  1. Create walkways

During winter, grass blades can get brittle and when you step on them, it can definitely flatten and break them. In order to avoid this, carefully shovel a walkway in your lawn to avoid damage. Moreover, it’s also a good addition to make your lawn more attractive.

  1. Remove debris.

This is an important tip to follow especially in spring when the snow melts. All the debris that has been accumulated during the winter such as twigs and leaves should be removed. It’s also the best time to apply fertilizer to jump-start your soil.

  1. Mow your grass shorter during fall.

In preparation for winter, an important lawn care tip is to mow your grass shorter than you normally would so that it won’t get damaged by snow. This is also the best time to boost the nutrients in your soil prior to winter.


  1. Stay off your lawn during winter.


Stay off your lawn during winter since grass cannot repair well during this season.



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  1. I like what you said about making sure that your grass has a neutral pH which can help promote grass growth. Our grass is pretty battered after the winter and it doesn’t look good. It would be really helpful to have a professional come and help us find out what it needs.

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