June 18

$100 Gift Certificate to the Pet Store of their Choice


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If you love your pet this giveaway is for you! Two Little Cavaliers your go to place for International Dog News, Pet Product Reviews, Pet Centric Giveaways, dog friendly recipes Cooking for Dogs, and the creator and co-host of the Saturday Pet Bloggers Blog Hop a weekly event where pet bloggers and pet lovers can come together to meet, greet, and hang out is hosting this Giveaway to say thank you to their friends and fans for all of their love and support over the years.



Davinia getting her bone



Treat your pet to a shopping spree at their favorite pet store! There will be TWO Winners! The first place winner will receive a $100 Gift Certificate to the Pet Store of their Choice and the second place winner will receive $40 to spend at their favorite pet store (Petco, PetSmart, Pet Supermarket, etc). Are you going to take your pet with you so they can pick out their own special things or will you leave them home and come back with a bag full of special toys, treats, and food for them?



Indiana with a toy



Treat Your Pet to a Shopping Spree At their Favorite Pet Store. Enter to WIN:
This event is open to the US and Canada except where prohibited by law.
a Rafflecopter giveaway






Mark your calendars for this upcoming event. All Giveaway items will be pet centric that means all the Giveaway prizes are specifically for your pet or about your pet!! (leash, toys, bowls, clothing) or items with animals on them shirts, mugs, note paper, Jewelry, artwork – the sky is the limit! If you are a blogger and would like to participate please feel free to click through and sign up to join the fun!

Loving Pet Giveaway Hop


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  1. I have 5 inside cats and a dog. I also do cat rescue so the inside varies as does the feral colony outside I care for.

  2. I have two standard poodles. Je T’aime (I love you in French) is our girl and Jean-Claude is our boy. They are both rescues and definitely our babies!

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