December 10

2d Ornament Giveaway


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As most of you know, we recently lost our first fur baby, Winnie. You can read about her story here. We wanted some way to help remember her. She was the best first dog for us. When we originally put up our Christmas tree, we placed a bone ornament with her name on it as a memorial for her. That was the only ornament on the tree for a few days in her memory. But then I was offered a chance to review a product that I realized would be the best way to keep her in our hearts and to always remember her during the holidays.
Vizardz is a unique company that brings your photos to life. They take your photos turn into works of art.They use any of your photos to craft the 2.5D pictures that are then assembled into night lights, ornaments or light boxes. These unique personal pieces of art are the perfect, most memorable and sentimental gifts you can share with your loved ones.
I admit I was skeptical at first.But when I received this review, I immediately sent the picture of Winnie that was taken the last day she was with us. I thought it would be a cool gift for the girls. When in it came in the mail, I could not wait to see it. I did not know what it was going to look like so I was curious. Once I opened it, I thought that's it, but after I plugged it in I was like oh wow!! It comes with a light that you insert inside the ornament.
Before being lit, the ornament is plain with ridges outlining Winnie's ears, and mouth.(Giving it a 3D effect) But once lit it was beautiful replica of the picture, which was a fitting memorial for an amazing dog. In the picture below the first one is the picture I sent in, the second the ornament unlit and third the lighted ornament.


I love our new ornament. Winnie would be proud.
Enter to win one of your own by using the form below.


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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