April 16

7 Benefits of Putting Essential Oils on the Soles of the Feet


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Essential Oils for Beginners – 7 Benefits of Putting Essential Oils on the Soles of the Feet

Essential oils may be used in a variety of ways, but have you considered putting them on the soles of the feet? When using therapeutic grade essential oils, there are at least seven big benefits of putting essential oils here.

1. Safest Place The bottom of the feet is the safest place to put on essential oils. Why? Because the skin on the soles of the feet is less sensitive and almost everyone can put essential oils there with no adverse reaction.

Most essential oils are gentle on the skin, but a few, like oregano, thyme, and lemongrass can feel hot and must usually be diluted. However, when hot oils are applied to the soles of the feet, they no longer feel hot to most people, even when they are not diluted.

Caution: Hot oils should not be placed between the toes, because the skin here has a sensitivity level similar to the rest of the body.

2. Quickly Goes into the Rest of the Body The skin on the soles of the feet is thicker than in many other parts of the body, but some of the largest pores on the body are on the soles of the feet. Because of these large pores, the oil goes into the blood stream and into the cells very quickly.

3. Feel the Oils Working! With many essential oils, people feel a slight tingling sensation on the soles of the feet right after they have applied the oils. I enjoy this special feeling, but it goes away within a minute or two.

4. Different Oils Can Be Used for Different Purposes, Even on the Feet Serious essential oil users apply essential oils to the soles of their feet for a variety of health issues. Some oils put more energy in your step, whereas others are calming and yet others can be balancing.

For example, some moms put a calming blend on the soles of their children's feet before bedtime. People of all ages are putting a balancing blend on the bottom of the feet to help the body get into better balance.

5. Feet Represent the Entire Body In the fields of foot reflexology and Vita Flex, the feet represent the entire body. Therefore, putting essential oils on the bottom of the feet can benefit almost any part of the body, according to reflexologists.

6. Benefits for the Brain, Eyes, and Ears In most reflexology systems, the big toe represents the brain. The next two toes represent the eyes, and the next two toes represent the ears. Now you know why many essential users put oils there!

7. It's a Quick and Easy Way to Pamper Yourself or Someone Else. Even just applying essential oils to the soles of the feet and nothing more feels wonderful. But when a little massage or a foot bath of warm water is added in, it's even nicer. Even if you have only five minutes for pampering, the benefits are worth it!

For more tips and tools regarding essential oils, I invite you to visit Contact [http://www.Essential-Oils-Information-Center.com] and click on the Contact button at the bottom and put “Newsletter” in the message box.

This article is written with the assumption that you are using only therapeutic grade essential oils and that you are consulting with the Essential Oils Desk Reference for your choice of oils and how to use them safely.

When you are ready to get started with essential oils or when you are ready to switch from recreational oils to therapeutic grade essential oils, I invite you to visit [http://www.EssentialOilsProducts.com] and look at the kits first. Why a kit? Because a kit lets you try more different oils at a significantly reduced price, compared to buying bigger bottles of individual oils.

If this is your first foray into aromatherapy, I'd like to be the first to welcome you to the wonderful world of essential oils!


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  1. My feet are always in terrible shape because I’m always barefoot. I have the items I need to pamper myself but for some reason I find it very difficult to do so. Definitely need a pedi

  2. Great article! I love putting peppermint oil on my feet when it gets really hot! The tingly cold feels so great!

  3. Thank you for sharing! I’m not sure if this is applicable to the soles of my feet because of calluses. I guess I have to try it, let’s see if it works 🙂

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