Brought to you from Mommyparties from MomSelect
Dental care is very important in our home but sometimes getting kids to brush can be a struggle. Well, it used to be because my kids LOVE ACT kids fruit punch and bubble gum flavors of anti-cavity fluoride toothpaste. They say it is yummy and I am happy because I know it helps fight tooth decay which is a preventable health problem, yet it is one of the most common chronic childhood diseases with more than 16 million children suffering in the US!
That is why I jumped on the chance to have an ACT Kids Toothpaste MommyParties event with MomSelect. I wanted to share with my mommy friends and their kids about the ACT products.
We had the party after our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class. The kids already care about their physical strength and I shared with them how to keep their teeth nice and strong too.
 I can honestly say that I've never seen kids so excited about toothpaste. They loved the bags and their goodies. They were also very attentive when I told them all about cavities and the power of fluoride – it helps prevent cavities and is a natural mineral that safely strengthens teeth to help prevent tooth decay and tooth loss.
When it was over they all ran to the bathroom so they could try out their new toothpaste and tooth brushes. The verdict? Wow Ms Mandie, this toothpaste is so yummy! Their parents told me later that they had no problem getting their kids to brush their teeth before bed. I'd call that a win!
ACT Kids Toothpaste is available at a variety of retail locations, including select Walmart, Walgreens, and Target locations. You can find out more at the ACT for Kids website or go to to download a coupon.
*This survey was sponsored by Sanofi Consumer Healthcare and conducted online using Toluna’s QuickSurveys methodology between February 13, 2017 and February 14, 2017 among 1,150 moms with children between the ages of two and 12 in the USA.  Respondents for Toluna QuickSurveys are selected from among those who have agreed to participate in Toluna surveys.
Toluna’s SmartSelectTM methodology was used to promote sample representativeness. SmartSelect relies on statistical matching rather than probability sampling to select survey respondents, based on demographic, attitudinal and behavioral characteristics that match those of the target population. Figures for age, gender, region, race/ethnicity, education and income are also weighted to bring them into line with their actual proportions within the population. Because the sample is based on those who agreed to participate in Toluna surveys, no estimates of theoretical sampling error can be calculated.