December 3

Advent Treasure Hunt Calendar Sweeps


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Advent Calendar – Advent Treasure Hunt Calendar

Open a different “window” each day of December to reveal a CHRISTIAN IMAGE behind each one. No Santa Claus, elf or snowman. These calendars have a picture and a Bible passage behind each window. The back of each calendar leads your young people on an “Advent Treasure Hunt” each day with a question, a riddle or a fill-in-the-blank … answered or filled in when you open the window on the other side.  9 1/4″ x 12

It's very important to my family that we remember the real reason our family celebrates Christmas. As soon as we got it in my five year old started opening up the calendar she was so excited. I had to explain how we open it up every day and discuss the scriptures behind it. This is a great FAMILY bonding activity.

Family Advent Activity Packs – Includes an Advent Calendar, the family devotion and activity book, Gather Round the Christmas Tree, and the seek and find book, Which Way is Christmas.

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Christian, Christmas

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