July 16

Armored Hearts Book #Review


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ArmoredHeartsBannerArmored Hearts

Armored Hearts

When a crippled young lord rescues a girl falling from a tree, it reveals a secret about himself and his mother's side of the family that could put him at the center of a war with beings he thought only existed in fariytales.

Tristan Gareth Smyth lived his entire life stuck at home at Waverly Park and left behind while his Grandfather makes trips to London, all because of his blasted wheelchair.

Then an American heiress falls in his lap, literally, and he must find a way to keep her at a distance to protect not only his secret, but everyone around him from an assassin sent to kill him.

About the Authors:

Melissa TurnerMelissa Turner

Melissa Turner Lee holds a BA in Communications with a concentration in Journalism from the University of South Carolina. She has studied fiction writing since 2008, attending various writing conferences and workshops, along with guidance from professional writing coaches. She resides in Spartanburg, SC with her husband and 3 sons.

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Pauline CreedenPauline Creeden

Pauline Creeden is a horse trainer from Virginia, but writing is her therapy. In her fiction, she creates worlds that are both familiar and strange, often pulling the veil between dimensions. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long.

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Purchase on Kindle $0.99 / Paperback

Review – Fairies AND Steampunk? Yes please!  The story take place in the late 18oos with Gareth. He is a disabled noble who is bound to a wheelchair. When he finds out he has a gift, the ability to fly,  his life changes!

He saves Jessamine when she falls out of a tree . Jessamine isn't your typical 1800s female, she is strong and will be be left behind in the adventures.  I admit Gareth could be a bit jerky at times but I did enjoy the story a lot.  They ended up getting married, kind of arranged because of his title and she is a heiress to a fortune.

I wasn't sure if this story was young adult or adult. While I loved it I recommend for upper high school and later. It also had a slight cliffhanger and I can't wait to read the next in the series.  It's only $0.99 for the kindle version and very satisfying.

Follow the Tour –

Prize: Steampunk prize pack (including a paperback copy of the book + a $25 Amazon Gift Card, the Steampunk Charm Cluster Necklace below will be part of the pack.) Fill out the form below to Enter. Open to US residents. Ends 7/21/13 @ 11:59 PM EST a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. I think I have only read one Steampunk novel, but there were several strange objects and machines in it. Makes for a different and interesting read. Thank you for the giveaway!

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