April 21

Avengers FunKo Giveaway


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avengers-fun-funko-pop-giveawayI'm a HUGE fan of the Avengers and anything Marvel and I'm so excited Avengers: Age of Ultron is coming out May 1!!

I recently found out that Fun.com is a GREAT place for Avengers merchandise. They contacted me about doing a giveaway to celebrate the upcoming movie and of course I was totally in. I almost squealed when I saw how much awesome stuff they had. I told my husband he needed to get a 4th job to cover my Avengers obsession. He wasn't amused but he loves it as well. We throw a party for every Marvel release so I am glad to have a place to get some new stuff! They even have party masks. Fun.com is perfect for gifts for the whole family. And a little off the Avengers angle but they have a life sized Yoda plush that I need like burning.

Back on subject, they offered to sponsor a great giveaway for my Avengers fans. Winner's choice of THREE Funko POP! Vinyls from Avengers: Age of Ultron. They have all the characters that are in the picture above. Captain America is sold out right now so he isn't available. I think the Ultron one looks super cool. I immediately got myself a Hawkeye because he is my favorite and a Vision one because I am so happy he was finally introduced. And I have a huge crush on Paul Bettany.

Who are your favorite characters?

Enter to win the giveaway below. This giveaway will run until May 1st at 11:59 pm CST. This giveaway is open to US, 18+ only.


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  1. I get Pop! figures for my daughter, but I’m partial to old school bobbleheads, so I would get DARK KNIGHT THE JOKER WACKY WOBBLER (even though I buy 90% Marvel these days, that’s a cool one.)

  2. If I didn’t get Avengers Pops, I’d love some of the new Game of Thrones Pops or the dragons (Rhaegal and Viserion)

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