March 13

Book Review and Contest – Casting Stones by Jay Beck


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I received a copy of this book for my honest review, no other compensation was received.
Jay Beck has continued writing about the fascinating adventures of political consultant, Mark Young, in his next book, “Casting Stones.” Set in Greece during the 1985 elections, the historical novel pits the United States against the Soviet Union in a battle over Greece's future political economic soul.

The novel is set in the turbulent times of airline hijackings, terror bombing and assassinations. The Soviet KGB, Greek secret police and terrorists all conspire against Mark Young as he tries to win a national election while simultaneously rescuing the most valuable ancient sculpture ever created.

Mark is torn between the turmoil in Greece and a critical situation threatening to end his relationship with his girlfriend, Vicki back in Washington, D.C. All of these diverse threads come together in an unexpected and thrilling conclusion.

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I have to admit I was a little surprised by this book. I agreed to read it because of all of the great reviews but was still wary because of the cover. I'm happy to say that I was wrong. Casting Stones was like an action packed movie in my mind, I couldn't put the book down. I even finished it in one day!

Mark Young is going through hell, which makes it such a great book. Throw in history and art and you have a complex fast paced read. I highly recommend to anyone that enjoy espionage & spy thrillers.

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By writing fiction, I’ve try to expand on my history and the events I have observed. I still have a long way to go in tapping into all of that rich material, particularly since politics and entertainment so often go hand in hand, as I hope I have demonstrated in my work. These will be exciting areas for me to investigate and discuss while I continue to write about them. As I mentioned earlier, the third book in the trilogy concerns the interactions between the campaigns and the time of history of Ross Perot, Bill Clinton, and George Bush, a vast political world for me to plumb. I have stories to tell.

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