August 27

Busy Days need Protein Packed Snacks $25 Paypal Giveaway #FeelGooder


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Busy Days need Protein Packed Snacks


The past few months have been pretty insane. We had a busy summer, I had to keep the kids entertained and  I released my first book Caelum – Olde City Angels and I'm working on the second in the series. I also have a short story coming out in October for a Halloween anthology.

Caelum proof

 Amazon / Barnes and Noble / iBooks / Kobo

I also put together a work at home book since I've been doing it for almost 10 years now. I am asked all of the time how I do it. I usually giggle and say I live on caffeine but I decided  to put it all in a book to point other moms in the right direction so they can work at home too.


Amazon / Barnes and Noble / iBooks / Kobo

On top of all of that I'm homeschooling the girls and it is rarely at home. We have classes, programs, field trips,  and park days. I feel like we are never home and I'm always go go go!!!

Many times I forget to eat and my husband has informed me that I can't live on caffeine alone. As much I'd love to say ‘watch me' I know I need to get some sustenance into me. As you all know, I have an amazing garden but I need protein too and sometimes I don't have time to get up and go harvest then cook something.

That is why I love the perfectly simple protein bars. They give me the protein my body needs and they taste good. Really, they do! (so many bars.. don't). I can also recognize all of the ingredients.  They are a delicious healthy snack that is high in protein and lower in calories. It makes you fuller longer. Most importantly they are very easy for me! I can keep working or driving.

My favorite is the Roasted Cashew & Dark Chocolate. OMG SOOOO GOOOOD!!

Thank you ZonePerfect for sponsoring today’s post and inspiring me to try Perfectly Simple nutrition bars!

Download a $1 off Coupon

I love these bars so much I decided to give away $25 paypal so you can try them too! Open to US residents 18+. Fill out the form below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. I would love to try the roasted cashew and dark chocolate bars. Cashews are one of my favorite nuts and I hardly ever see them in a snack.

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