August 26

Crimson Groves Book Tour and #BookGiveaway


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Crimson Groves by Ashley Robertson

Abigail Tate was a normal human girl. Until the day Bronx the vampire barges into her life and turns her against her will. Held captive while forced to deal with never ending cravings for blood, Abby prays for a way to escape. Only when an opportunity arises, it's with the aid of an innocent human named Tyler–except vampires are forbidden to interact with the unbitten. But Abby quickly learns this human has secrets of his own…secrets that can either help her or get her killed. Only Abby discovers that she was the one with the biggest secret of them all.


**June 2012 Extras added to the e-book version only (including the first chapter of the sequel Crimson Flames (book #2 of The Crimson Series)

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Ashley Robertson resides in sunny Orlando, Florida and loves reading and writing about everything urban fantasy and paranormal romance. When she isn't writing you'll find her spending time with family and friends, training in her home gym, traveling and exploring new places, drinking fine red wines, and making gourmet coffees with her Nespresso machine.


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Ashley Robertson is giving away 3 Book Swag packs!

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  1. I haven’t but now that I know of her books I will definitely be adding them to my TBR thanks so much for introducing this book to me and thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  2. I haven’t read any of her work…..but that doesn’t mean I won’t in the future. I like a good book 🙂 Will add her to my TBR list.

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