June 8

Dancing Naked in Dixie Book Review


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Dancing Naked in Dixie

Travel writer Julia Sullivan lives life in fast-forward. She jet sets to Europe and the Caribbean with barely a moment to blink or sleep. But too many mishaps and missed deadlines have Julia on the verge of being fired.

With a stern warning, and unemployment looming, she's offered one last chance to rescue her career. Julia embarks on an unlikely journey to the ‘Heart of Dixie’—Eufaula, Alabama—home to magnificent mansions, sweet tea, and the annual Pilgrimage.

Julia arrives, soon charmed by the lovely city and her handsome host, but her stay is marred by a shocking discovery. Can Julia's story save her career, Eufaula, and the annual Pilgrimage?

Genre: Southern Fiction/Chick Lit/Light Romance

Lisa's Thoughts –

This was an excellent book.  The storyline captured my interest from the beginning to the end.  Julia is a jet setting writer for a travel magazine.  She basically lives in hotels and out of her suitcase ever since her mother died from ALS.  One day after coming back from an assignment she is faced with meeting her new boss and much to her dismay it turns out to be her estranged father.

He tells her that the magazine is going to go back to the grass roots of things focusing on homelands instead of foreign destinations.  Also that her articles are lacking heart and soul so she will  be sent on a last ditch assignment to save her career and that will be to Eufaula, Alabama  for the winter Pilgrimage.

There she meets Shug and his family.  During her time there she learns more about the town and he people but also about herself.  There is a development project that may threaten the town and it's historical buildings.

Is Julia up for the fight that she gets herself into.  Julia also gets to know the reasonings behind her father, can they reacquaint themselves as a family.  I highly recommend this book .

Buy it HERE

I received a copy of my honest review, no other compensation was received.


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  1. Lisa – Thank you so much for the excellent review! I am so glad that you enjoyed Dancing Naked in Dixie and the fun Julia had while on her journey to the Deep South! Eufaula is a lovely place and it makes a GREAT setting for a novel!!

    xx, Lauren

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