November 2

Descended by Blood Book Review


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Descended by Blood

by Angeline Kace

Brooke Keller is a high school junior who has never spent much time living in one place. She is finally in a town long enough to almost snag the boy of her dreams, until her life is threatened after killing a fanged man in his attempt to kidnap her.

Brooke begins a dangerous journey in an effort to find out who is after her and how to stop them. In a world with powerful and prejudiced vampires, Brooke must tap into the side of her that she never knew existed at the risk of losing her life in order to save it.

Mandie's Thoughts –  I have to admit that when I first started reading it I thought it was going to be lame. I'm not sure why but Brooke and her boyfriend Jaren annoyed me a bit in the beginning. But I pressed on, the cover is so awesome I just knew it was going to be a good book and it very quickly got good. I mean REALLY good.

There were so many things I loved about this book. First would be Brooke and her best friend Kaitlyn's relationship.  I loved the fact that Brooke ran to Kaitlyn instead of some boy. Although I did really like Mirko. Not too sure how I feel about a 700 something year old vampire with a teenager but the author made the chemistry really work.

The Vampires in this book aren't typical at all. Some are born and others are ‘made' but they are considered lower class. I don't want to give too much away but I will say I was happy with the action and it's a nice fast paced book once you get a few chapters in.

Buy PaperBack ($7.99)  Kindle ($0.99)  Nook ($2.99)


book review, review, vampires, young adult

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