October 17

Dracula Fang Cookies


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Dracula Fang Cookies

I can't believe Halloween is right around the corner. It doesn't feel very ‘Fallish' here in Florida but I'm hoping it cools down by the time the kids go trick or treating. This will probably be the last year they go since they are getting older. They are excited to go but I think it is bittersweet for them. They like growing up but like celebrating. Next year we'll probably move onto Haunted Houses and/or passing out candy at our house.

I tell them they don't have to Trick or Treat to celebrate. We can always decorate and make treats! My best friend's daughter Haley made these to share to you. Aren't these Dracula Fang Cookies super cute?

We can't wait to make them!

What you need:

1 package of chocolate chip cookie dough (or make your own with the recipe below)
About 1/2 a cup of red frosting
1 cup mini marshmallows or 8 for each cookie
1 cup slivered almonds


Once your cookies are baked and cooled, cut each cookie in half. Coat both halves of the cookie (only the flat side) with your red frosting and carefully put your ‘teeth’ into place. I used 8 mini marshmallows in total, 2 in the middle, 2 on either side and 2 in the back for support (you don’t want your cookie mouth caving in!). Place the top half of the cookie onto the marshmallows and attach two similarly sized almonds on either side of the two front teeth- your fangs. Next step: enjoy your spooky treats!


Chocolate Chip Cookies:

1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter at room temperature
1 1/4 packed brown sugar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
2 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2 cups chocolate chips



Preheat the oven to 375 degrees
Stir together the flour and baking soda and set aside
Beat both sugars and butter for 1 minute on high until creamy
Add eggs one at a time until incorporated, then add your vanilla
Add the dry ingredients, mixing until fully combined. Stir in the chocolate chips
Refrigerate the dough for 5-10 minutes for best results.
Roll dough into tablespoon sized balls and place 2-3 inches apart on a non-stick cookie sheet.
Bake for 10 to 14 minutes or until golden brown
Cool completely.

Repin it!


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