March 27

Easy Lavender All Natural Carpet Freshener

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I use essential oils throughout my home and for personal care. We make toothpaste, mouthwash, and even clean with it. I like to add a little essential oils to whatever I can and I love to make things all natural.

Recently joined a fun pinterest remake group. The object of the group is to find something on pinterest and rework it to make it our own.

I found this fabulous All-Natural Carpet Freshener on Fabulous Farm Girl. She uses doTerra essential oils and so do I! They are such great quality and a little goes a long way. In her pin she used cedarwood and wild orange. For my remake I decided to make it simple and use lavender. Although I just bought some wild oil and have cedarwood so I will try that myself next week!

It was INCREDIBLY simple to make this Easy Lavender All Natural Carpet Freshener!

What you need –

1 cup of baking soda

5 drops of doTerra lavender oil

I like to make just enough to use up in a day when I am vacuuming then I will make it fresh again the next time I clean.

Here are more Pinterest remakes from a few of my favorite bloggers:





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  1. I use lavender and tea tree, put it into an old parmesan cheese shaker and just shake it out onto the carpet. Super easy and adding the tea tree adds an anti-fungal quality (I like the smell of tea tree but a lot of people do not) which is great for basement carpets.

    I also use that same mix but with a strainer on my mattress a few times a year. I strip the bed and let the mix sit on it all day (gotta lock the cats out of the room), then vacuum it in the evening with the hose attachment.

    Baking soda and essential oils are total eco geek must haves for cleaning. 🙂
    Rhianna recently posted..Review: A Wicked Thing by Rhiannon ThomasMy Profile

  2. I do not like all the heavily fragrance rug fresheners on the market today. I do not feel comfortable using them with my dog and cat. But I think that using all natural lavender as a carpet freshener is a terrific idea. I will have to give it a try. I love the smell of lavender!

  3. wow I have some lavender essential oil and I like to use it to make things smell good like linens. I never thought of using it this way, and I’m excited to try it!

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