December 8

An easy way to give back this holiday season


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This time of year my family sits down and decides how we are going to give back for the holiday season and throughout the upcoming year. There are many organizations you can help but you may not know how to get started.

This season I have partnered with Tackle Kids Cancer, they provide an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children with cancer. It is a way for a child to help another child, and families to help other families. With only 4% of government cancer funding directed towards pediatric cancer, and childhood cancer being the number one cause of death by disease in children – funding in all forms is crucial. Tackle Kids Cancer funds pediatric cancer research and innovative patient care programs to help find a cure.

How can you help? Make a donation and learn more about it here.

You can also donate your time at an event, assisting with a project or spending time with our MVPs is as valuable as a donation. They also accept corporate gifts! Do you have a person on your Christmas list that already has everything under the sun? Think about donating in their honor. This is a wonderful way to share the Christmas spirit!

Many of you know my husband had cancer so this is near and dear to my heart. Especially thinking about children with cancer. Imagine having to not only deal with your child having cancer but spending the holidays in the hospital.

Sweet and loving, fiery and tough, Natalie was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 2012. Cancer-free for a year, Natalie has resumed a childhood that was interrupted. Watch her story below.

Learn how you can support Tackle Kids Cancer. Donate, participate in an event, or volunteer. Help us create a brighter future for our pediatric cancer patients.


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