July 9

Enjoy Your Summer Giveaway


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Summer is fast underway and the kids will be back to school before you know it. We've been going bowling and to the beach a lot. Also spending some time inside enjoying the a/c and watching movies. I thought it would be fun to have a $50 PayPal Giveaway to celebrate this time of year.

You must be 18+ and US address to enter to win. Fill out the form below to enter.


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  1. The absolute best part of summer has been climbing out of the ocean and I’m freezing because the water was ice cold and my lips are blue and my teeth are chattering, and then running into the arms of a gigantic, fluffy towel so that I can bake, bake, bake under the sun like a clay pot until it becomes so unbearable that I absolutely must jump up like a lunatic and run right back into that water.

  2. Awesome! My favorite part of summer is swimming, relaxing and enjoying less hectic days with the family!

  3. The best part of Summer has been the family cook-outs! Family from all over the country have been able to come by for weekend vacations. The kids absolutely enjoy having their family around most.

  4. Our favorite part of Summer so far is getting the kids to go to the big water park with rides. It is so hot where we are and we had so much fun last week at the water park!

  5. The best part of summer so far was riding on my mom’s brand new pontoon boat for the first time. It is such a nice boat!

  6. The best part of the sunner so far has been spending time with our adult children and our grandchildren.

  7. My favorite part of summer so far was taking my 11 year old and her best friend to 6 flags. They had such a blast and I loved that even though she was still with her best friend at that age, she wanted me included.

  8. My favorite part of this summer and going to my friends house and cooking out and then fishing in their pond.. my 6 year old daughter out fished me lol

  9. Being able to go places and not have to put on tons of layers, boots, etc., in that I have to walk everywhere and in the winter it can be brutal. So nice now!

  10. Haven’t had a favorite part yet. I been working a lot. Hopefully soon I get to enjoy the summer with my kids.

  11. We made a short trip to see family for the 4th—that was fun. Otherwise…chillin’ inside out of the heat.

  12. My favorite part of this summer was my sons wedding! Plus being able to grill outside every night has been a bonus this year!

  13. My favorite part of summer so far is not shoveling snow. Otherwise I’ve been working too much to enjoy it. Thank you for the chance to win.

  14. My favorite part of Summer so far is when we went camping and swimming. We really love to camp we take our kids and grand kids with us

  15. The best part of summer so far has been spending time with my daughters. They’re not grumpy about being woken up early for school!

  16. We’ve gone to the amusement park a few times, seen a couple of concerts and had lots of days outside and still can sleep in!

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