October 1

From Frights to Flaws Book Review


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Age group: middle school

Twelve-year-old Alyssa McCarthy can no longer stand the toughness of her uncle and wants a better life. But one day she discovers not only the existence of magic, but also a villain hunting her down. The villain uses magic and magical technology to kidnap Alyssa to the Fiji Islands. As much as she wants to go home, she has to face some dangerous challenges first. Not only that, the villain himself must also be defeated. Can Alyssa succeed, even with the help of her mentors?

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Sunayna Prasad has been writing stories for over thirteen years, starting at the age of six. Now nineteen, she will start her junior year of college this fall, and will study accessory design as well as continue to write for children. Aside from that, Sunayna also likes to cook, watch movies, and draw. She lives on Long Island, New York, with her family.

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Sue's Review –
WOW – this was such an awesome story and had my interest the entire way through!!

The story of Alyssa McCarthy and her discovery of magic was awesome. Her parents died years before and she currently lives with her Uncle and cousin. She decides that she is tired of the uncle (and his mean ways) and wants to move in with her godfather. During the waiting of the legal system to grant her godfather custody, Alyssa is confronted my a magical villain. This villain uses his magic to kidnap Alyssa and take her to the Fiji Islands.

The story has a lot of twists and turns – – and the use of your imagination to visualize some things in the book makes it even better. There are times that I actually pictured myself with Alyssa and the situations she encountered.

I received a copy of this book for an honest review.
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