October 8

Fun Corn Mazes in Florida


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cornmazesFloridaMany of us love Florida for its beautiful beaches and lovely sunshine. But did you know that Florida is also a place that rocks the corn maze? Thankfully for those of you who live in Florida or plan on traveling there in the fall, Florida has some amazing corn mazes that will blow you away.

Below is a list of just a few corn mazes across the state of Florida that are a lot of fun!

Fun Corn Mazes in Florida

Smith Family Ranch – Located in Lakeland, Florida, this corn maze has been open for years, rain or shine. They have 20 acres of fun for all ages. There’s a section of activities and a mini maze for little ones along with a large maze, zombie paintball, and more, for older ages. Don’t miss out on the yummy food!

Sykes and Cooper Farm – Located in Elkton, Florida, this corn maze will knock your socks off. Its corn maze alone is 9 acres of fun and confusion. Our homeschool group goes on a field trip here every year! The corn maze itself is a gorgeous design that you can check out on their website!


Harvestmoon Farm – Located in Masaryktown, Florida, not only does this farm open up for the fall but they’re also open in the spring! Each year they do a different design out of the corn. Go check out their spring 2016 design! It will only give you a hint of what’s coming for the fall 2016 season!

Sweet Season Farms – This farm is located in Milton, Florida. They’ve been open and thriving since 2008 with some amazing corn maze designs and ideas. If you want help making it out of this maze, you have to choose a topic and answer trivia questions to find the exit. If you can’t answer them, well, you’ll have to try and find the exit on your own. This farm has much much more than just a corn maze which makes it even more fun!

Harvest Holler – Located in Polk City, Florida, this farm has a cow train, a hay fort, plus let’s not forget an amazing corn maze, and more! They haven’t announced their 2016 hours yet but be prepared come the end of September to visit and have a Harvest Holler good time!

Scott’s Maze Adventures – Located in Mt. Dora, Florida, this farm knows how to have fun and has been doing it for many years as a family tradition. Their corn maze is 7 acres in size and there’s plenty more fun where that came from. Have question before going? Check out their corn maze facts on their site before heading out.


Coon Hollow Farm – Located in Micanopy, Florida, this farm not only has a rockin’ corn maze but there’s a hayride to feed cows, pony rides, scavenger hunt, picking sunflowers, and more. It’s perfect for a family fun day and is only $10 per person unless you’re 3 and under and it’s free!

Hallows Hill – Located in Baker, Florida, this maze is as creepy as its name would suggest. They offer a haunted and non-haunted option to satisfy all of those who would like to visit. Stay tuned for fall 2016 updates to come up on their site. Some years they open up early!

Fox Squirrel Corn Maze – This farm is located in Plant City, Florida and is over 2000 acres in size. Of course, not all of that is the corn maze which is a blast but they were also voted the best pumpkin patch in 2014!

Florida had many more corn mazes to choose from and I couldn’t list them all but we had a blast seeing all the fun fall things Florida had to offer.


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  1. We go to a corn maze every year, and this one sounds like so much fun! I would love to take a trip to Florida and check out the stuff that they have going on!

  2. I didn’t know they grew corn in Florida, lol. I’ve never thought of going to a corn maze. What fun. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I didn’t realize all the corn mazes! Wow there are some very detailed ones with long histories. Thanks. Have fun!

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