April 4

Grilled Vino Kissed Salmon Steak


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If you are a regular follower you know how much I like my wine. Believe it or not I actually cook with it too. I almost exclusively use white wine for cooking with a little sip here and there. There are some good cheap whites you can buy. I like to get mine at Aldi's for $3 (the reds to drink too).

 Here is an easy delicious recipe that uses wine. This is a great classy dish for when you have friends over.

Grilled Vino Kissed Salmon Steak

1 1/2 inch salmon steak per person
1/2 cup white wine
1/2 to 3/4 cup olive oil
2 tbsp parsley
dash lemon-pepper seasoning

dill for garnish

Put salmon steaks in a glass dish and pour in the wine, oil, and seasonings, turning salmon to coat well.
Put in refrigerator and let marinade for 2 hours or more, turning several times to make sure salmon marinades all over.
When ready, set grill to medium and oil the grates or fish basket.
Remove fish from marinade and reserve marinade. Put fish on direct heat on grill and cook for about 10 minutes, then flip and cook for 10 minutes more.
Use the leftover marinade and brush on the fish several times before you flip, then again a few times before they are done cooking.
Your salmon should be cooked all the way through and flake with a fork.
This is one thick oily fish that can stand a little extra time on the grill without drying out.
Remove from grill to a platter and serve hot with wedges of lemon.


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  1. This sounds so delicious! and I love that you cooked this in wine, it would be
    something that I would do, love salmon , such a hearty fish ,

  2. Wow, this recipe looks so easy. Salmon is one of my favorite foods and I am always looking for different ways to make it.

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