September 8

Helping Your Community Has Never Been Easier #BTFE


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Over the past year we've been much more conscientious of taking care of those around us.
We donate to food banks, we offer assistance when we can, and recently we started collecting box-tops for our local schools.
Yes, it is true that we homeschool but have many friends who go to public school and of course we want our entire community to thrive.
I had no idea how easy it was to collect these. Box Tops are worth $0.10 for your child’s school and Walmart has so many that are bonus box-top products. 


The bonus box-tops add up so quickly! Once I knew to look for the boxtop emblem then I realized they were already on foods we ate.

$2 in the picture above! On things we were buying anyway!! My girls love knowing they are helping out the local schools.

 Box Tops is one of America’s largest school earnings loyalty programs.
Over 80,000 k-8 schools participate!! Schools can use Box Tops cash to buy whatever they need.

Box Tops for Education has contributed over $525 million to participating schools since the launch of the program in 1996.

The girls made a game out of finding what qualified. They decide what they want to eat and look to see if they can find something with a box top. . The girls love lots of cereal and so many participating in the box top program!


There is a HUGE list of foods that have the box tops on them!

Click over to see what foods qualify. IMG_20150905_122120_864

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.


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