October 14



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Sanjay and Craig: Fight the Future with Flavor! is the first graphic novel
from Nickelodeon and Papercutz

Nickelodeon's animated television series Sanjay and Craig follows best buds Sanjay Patel and Craig Slithers as they embark on epic kid-inspired quests that are at times totally ridiculous, absolutely gross and weirdly sweet. Now, the duo is set to conquer a new medium – the world of comics and graphic novels – with Sanjay and Craig: Fight the Future With Flavor!

This brand-new 52-page graphic novel marks the debut of a new collection of graphic novels from Nickelodeon and Papercutz, and features the adventures of Sanjay and his pet snake Craig as they live for friends, cheesy movies and hot wings. Sanjay and Craig: Fight the Future With Flavor!

It is currently available online and in libraries!!

Current issues of Nickelodeon Magazine featuring Sanjay and Craig and Breadwinners are available in print at newsstands, bookstores and comic book stores everywhere, by subscription on the Papercutz website (www.Papercutz.com/nickmag) and digitally on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Comixology and Zinio.

My daughter LOVES Sanjay and Craig and was so excited to read the graphic novel.


Upcoming graphic novels will feature other Nickelodeon animated shows including Breadwinners, available on November 17, along with Harvey Beaks and Pig Goat Banana Cricket, set for release early next year.

The graphic novels will collect comics from the recently launched Nickelodeon Magazine, a monthly publication which aims to give fans a new way to experience the Nickelodeon animated characters they love through original comics as well as games, puzzles and other activities for kids.

“The magazine is not only a great way for kids to discover the imaginative wonders of graphic novels, but also serves as an introduction to some fantastic Nickelodeon characters,” noted Papercutz Editor-in-Chief Jim Salicrup. “Nickelodeon has always been known for creating great comic material and we're proud to continue that tradition with our new publications.”


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