April 27

Homemade Mulberrry Jam Recipe


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3623510982_5a0c0b72f7Sometimes eating fresh fruit is hard for a lot of families because of the expense. So I suggest growing your own if you can. Even if you are a renter there are fruit trees that do wonderfully in pots. One being mulberry and more being citrus. (I live in Florida so check what you can grow where)

We have a huge mulberry tree and it produces A LOT of fruit. It did start off in a pot but we planted it on the side of our house. The tree is actually only a couple of years old and produced fruit within the first year and it grew VERY quickly. Mulberry trees are great if you want a fruit tree that produces quickly instead of having to wait a long time for the tree to mature.

This year our tree started producing really early and the tree was full of berries but we had a horrible freeze! I was so upset but now my tree is full of fruit again and we are eating fresh berries off of it again.

Mulberries aren't super sweet and they are so delicious! We freeze them and throw them in our smoothies all year long, bake pies, eat them fresh for breakfast and make homemade mulberry jam.

Here is an easy recipe –

What you need
4 cups mulberries
1/2 cup lemon juice
6 cups sugar
1 pouch liquid pectin

Combine berries and lemon juice and sugar. Bring to rolling boil over high heat. Add pectin and boil for one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim foam, if necessary. Fill in sauce bottles and refrigerate. Or you can can them and fill hot jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Add lids and process 10 minutes in a water bath.

Now when the jam is finished you can use it for multiple things! We use it on our toast of course, add it over vanilla frozen yogurt, and add it in layers to our Greek yogurt as a special yummy treat!


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